Make the Road NY is an organization with offices throughout New York City that offers adult education classes, citizenship classes, English classes, immigration legal services (housing, employment, etc.), and health services (insurance, food stamps, etc.)

Locations in: Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester, and Long Island

(see website for exact addresses)

The New York Public Library offers a multitude of community resources that are available to immigrants and refugees. The NYPL offers social work assistance, English classes, citizenship programs, and more for free. Specific to education are high school preparation programs for youth and New York public school enrollment guidance for those looking to enter the education system.

A broader range of immigrant services provided by the NYPL can be found here

Locations can be found here

InsideSchools is an organization that can assist in placing children (from ages 4-18) in New York City schools from Pre-K to High school. As they state on their website, “Any child between the ages of 5 and 21 who has not graduated from high school is entitled to a free public education. This includes undocumented immigrants, children with disabilities, children who do not speak English, pregnant girls, homeless children, and older teenagers who may have dropped out of school.” They aim to make this enrollment process manageable with plenty of information on their website.